We strive to provide our customers with the highest quality software along with the best technical, sales and information support services.

To help ensure that our software products are just what you need, a free trial/demo versions are available from our website. Comprehensive products and services information is provided, as well. To help you make the right decision, you can also contact our sales (sales@weprovideplt.com ) or admin ( admin@weprovidedigital.com) . Before you purchased, you must aware major of our service / solutions unless there are  listed as ” refundable ” , or else most solutions/ and service are not refundable . 

We understand, however, that exceptional circumstance may occur due to the certain expectations beyond our control, so please, get acquainted with our Refund Policy before you confirm purchase of our software to avoid dissatisfaction after the purchase.

The refund will be issued to the customer in full without any compensations or additional reimbursements. OR, at customer’s choice, replacement of the product of the same or around the same value can be offered.

Product Return Procedure:

  1. Requests for refunds must be:
    • Made within seven (7) days of the purchase date.
    • Sent via e-mail to our Us which as mentioned above ( sales@weprovideplt.com)
    • Contain order reference number along with the detailed and grounded reasons why you are applying for the refund.
  2. Upon sending a refund request, please allow our administrative Team up to one (1) business day to get back to you on the problem.
  3. You should expect an email from us  so be ready to provide our support team with additional information and please kindly do follow all the recommendations.
  4. If a refund is approved, it might take us up to one (1) business day for us to process. You will get the money returned in the same form of currency used for the purchase. Purchases with credit cards will be refunded to the credit card used to purchase the product, and for cheque and money order purchases a cheque will be sent.

Cases ineligible for a refund include:

  1. The client refuses to follow the instructions of the sales/administrative Team or doesn’t provide the requested assistance.
  2. There is a fix or a workaround to the issue reported as a reason for a refund.
  3. The software was purchased by mistake or on assumption that it does something that it is not intended to do.
  4. The client did not read the license description and purchased a license type that does not meet their needs.
  5. The bug reported was fixed in a newer version than the client owns, but the client refuses to upgrade.
  6. The problem is caused by the client’s system or network settings or by a third-party application or device.
  7. The client changed their mind and no longer wants the product for non-technical reasons.
  8. The software purchased from us was lost, stolen, damaged or traded.
  9. The software was ordered as part of a time-limited promo.
  10. The client purchased or downloaded another software that seems to meet their needs better according to their own assumptions.